An Introduction to the Chakra System
The Chakra System has evolved and originates from the rishis, or 'see-ers', from the Yogic tradition of India.
The Yogis believe that our bodies are comprised of several koshas, or sheaths, surrounding the pure consciousness at the center of our Being. These layers of the body, from the external to the most internal/deep subtle, are:
- Annamaya kosha, "food" sheath
- Pranamaya kosha, "energy" sheath ***HERE is where we are placed for the journey of THIS COURSE***
- Manomaya kosha "mind" sheath
- Vijñānamaya kosha, "wisdom" sheath
- Anandamaya kosha, "bliss" sheath
The Pranamaya kosha speaks the language of vibration
Nadi: yogic energy ‘rivers,’ or channels, of the body
Prana: life force – the energy that travels through the nadi system
Sushumna Nadi: the central energy channel of the body, runs from base of pelvic floor to the crown, connects us to divinity and to the earth – the 7 Chakras (energy centers) are located along this nadi
Ida: Lunar, feminine channel – weaves around sushumna with pingala – connects with left side of body, left nostril, right brain
Pingala: Solar, masculine channel – weaves around sushumna with ida – connects with right side of body, right nostril, left brain
CHAKRA: a spinning 'wheel' of prana (life force/energy) that occurs when the Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala nadis MEET in the body-we focus on 7 Primary Chakras